
GLOVI medicine is a game changer in the world of medical conferences.
We bring break through ideas in medical science to light, open up a room for visionary dialogue and foster creative, interdisciplinary scientific exchange.
Assembling the best of the best, the visionaries and the mavericks of medicine and health, we attempt to find the missing pieces to some of the most challenging medical puzzles of our time.
GLOVI medicine is unique as it solely focusses on the exchange of ideas while participants shape the scientific program and activities. Participants can switch roles between attendee, presenter, moderator, teacher or student as they wish.

THE FIRST EVER GLOVI MEDICINE – Cancer: September 2020

What makes a special
When you attend a you will be able to join numerous activities such as lectures, workshops, discussion rounds and much more. All the activities are designed to get you engaged and exchange with other experts from various scientific disciplines. To fuel a vibrant scientific exchange, a supports a creative and sociable atmosphere.

Event Details or Register
As a GLOVI event, relies on the participants to engage in the design of the event. The scientific and organisational committee will not dictate topics but take your suggestions and ideas and attempt to realise your wishes at the event. This makes the first event of its kind, where the experts decide on the topics discussed, suggest the activities taking place and recommend the people that should be invited. Participants will be able to take on the roles of attendee, presenter, moderator, workshop leader, expert or student alike.
Choose the topic, suggest activities and recommend a fellow scientist here